View Profile rrx88
Check out my site for more games! http://www.w3b-rekca h.com

Rekcah @rrx88

Age 37, Male


Skåne, Sweden

Joined on 9/29/04

Exp Points:
190 / 280
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.14 votes
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> 100,000
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rrx88's News

Posted by rrx88 - June 6th, 2010

Hi there everyone. It's been some time since my latest activity on NG. That being because of several reasons. Time, job and a hellish flash market. I have one completed game that I haven't released yet, and to be honest, I don't really know if it ever will. I don't like it that much, and the sponsors seems to agree. And therefor, I'm currently developing two new game. And both of them are threequels.

The first one is actually a pretty big leap from it's originals. You might have heard of or played one of the prequels which are called RetroMania and RetroMania 1985. This time the game takes place in space. It's a war/trade game where you can either wage war against a whole race, or be nice to them and trade them for resources. But this is only a small part of the wholeness of the threequel of RetroMania. There are plans of having your own empire from which you can summon armies of ships for yourself and an upgrade-system where you can increase shields, weapons, speed etc, through the mixing of minerals and such which you'll gather from all the planets you visit. Just so you know, I have great plans for this game. So don't miss it when it gets out on our beloved NG!

The other one is a game I've only just begun with and don't have many plans at all for at the moment. But It's a threequel to game you also might have heard/played before. They got some attention because of their innovative control-style. The games are of course Hebi and Hebi 2.
The only thing I've decided for this game is that it will probably not use powerups. But what the substitute will be is still a mystery even for me. Keep reading my news and you'll know before most others!

That'll be all for this time.
Until the next, stay awesome!

/Rekcah (now also called NightGod)

Posted by rrx88 - March 8th, 2008

Well, it seems like I've come to a problem with Hebi 2.
Though I believe that it will be the best game I've ever done, the sponsors seems to not agree. I've contacted a few sponsors a week ago but still haven't recieved any answeres. So it seems like the sequel to Hebi is in jepoardy. And therefor I'd be very glad for any tips of sponsors from you! And let's hope for the best!

Posted by rrx88 - October 14th, 2007

My latest game, Armor, has now been released! Play it and comment it!

Armor has been released!

Posted by rrx88 - October 6th, 2007

Hi all you human beings!
I have just finished another game which honestly is quite worse than all my other games (atleast I think that) but I'm actually proud of the gamemusic! Anyway, the game, which is called Armor, will probably be released within 1-2 weeks. Don't forget to play it!

Posted by rrx88 - August 14th, 2007

Yep, for you who is interested, there WILL be a Hebi 2. I have gotten some really great comments and stuff from people (thanks everyone!!) and I've realized that people actually liked this one. So I'll start up on the sequel tomorrow. And if anybody actually reads this post, please comment it with suggestions for the sequel, then I'll take all of them in considoration when I make it.
Once again, thanks for all the great comments!

Posted by rrx88 - August 11th, 2007

Yes, Hebi has now been officially released and you can play it at: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

Posted by rrx88 - August 3rd, 2007

Yep. New times are coming. I'm almost finished with my latest game and I think you will like it. But unfortunately it has a hard control and gamesystem but it will grow on you. Prepare for a release within a few weeks!

Posted by rrx88 - July 21st, 2007

Yes. I have just released Retromania 1985 and is now playable here at Newgrounds.com!!

Posted by rrx88 - July 21st, 2007

It's as simple as this. The sequel to Retromania at arcadetown.com will be release within a few days. Check out my site or dabontv.com to find it when it's released to play it. And I will ofcourse also submit it to the Grounds.

Posted by rrx88 - July 17th, 2007

Yes, I am currently working on a new game which has a quite cool gamesystem. It's basicly like the old game Thief or Splinter Cell. But it's still only in alpha stage so it will take some time until I can reveal some real gameplay screenshots.